Well rested, we were up early (-ish. I'm on holiday alright?!) to see if we could get ourselves across to Formentera. Lo and behold there was a guy selling tickets to a glass bottom boat - €20 return. Sweet! We purchased and within about 20 minutes the boat arrived and we were on our way.

Intrigued, I went to find this glass bottom. Only problem, it did not exist. What the flip? But we did find a nice spot on the deck to enjoy the sun to watch Ibiza slowly disappear behind us.

We arrived and were immediately confused as to what to do and where to go. We asked at a scooter hire place, who were completely hopeless at directions, but of course they could hire us a scooter for the day for €20! After some time we finally managed to find an information centre, who said its best to hire some form of transport. The island is about 6km long by 20km wide. And while a bicycle was the cheapest option, we would only get to see a couple of the beaches. We wandered back to the harbour, on the way asking one of the 50 scooter hire shops how much. They wanted €25, so we decided to go back to the first place. When we got there the price had suddenly reduced to €15! DEAL! I guess they just jack their prices up when the boats come in, and reduce them again after the rush dies down.
So we had our little black beast of a scooter and we were off! Our first stop was Platja d'illetes, at the very tip of the island, and apparently one of the better beaches. If I thought Ibiza was paradise, this was heaven. The most beautiful beach I have ever seen. I'm not going to tell you again about white sand and crystal clear water, so just check out the photos.
Plenty more naked people, this time mostly old, overweight and hairy. Not attractive. But there was a cool dog that wanted to share my lunch. While on our way back to the scooter I realised I had somehow lost the keys! I thought I might have left them in the ignition so quickly ran back to find they were not there. SHIT. I went into panic mode. After about 20 minutes retracing my steps and managed to find them down by a small jetty. I breathed a huge sigh of relief. So so lucky.

We jumped back on the scooter and scooted our way to the next beach, Cala Sahona. It was much smaller, with more old naked people. It was quite cool though, the banks were lined with small shacks that housed little fishing boats, all with ramps down into the sea. The water wasn't all that nice - there was more sand and silt, so we moved on after about 15 minutes.
Six kilometres on a dirt track later and we were at Platja de Mitjorn, a huge expanse of beautiful beach, complete with yachts, umbrellas, and naked cyclists. Nice. It was so nice we decided to go for a swim. We got a bit of sun-baking in before we had to move on. Time was short and we couldn't spend too long if we were going to see the rest of the island.

Back on the scooter, we started heading to the very end of the island. Going was slow, as we were heading up the side of a mountain and the scooter was absolutely gutless. Far de La Mola lies on top of a mountain with a sheer cliff face, dropping away into the sea. The view is spectacular, and apparently on a very clear day you can see Algeria... Well, it was very clear, and I couldn't see it. But still, it was very cool! I somehow managed to loose the keys AGAIN! Although this time only for about two minutes. I blame it on the fact that I was wearing boardshorts that had no pockets. On top of the mountain there is only one shop, and for some reason they wouldn't sell us a drink. But they did have an awesome sign that made my day. It basically says you cant come in naked.
We scooted back down the mountain, which gave postcard perfect views over the entire island. Check out these bad-boys.

We made it to the boat with about 15 minutes to spare - perfect timing. This time the boat did have a glass bottom which was kinda cool. Back on Ibiza we had a quick shower then made our way out to Bora Bora.
Bora Bora is an Ibiza icon. Its like a laid back version of a club without the €40 entry fee. Its right on the beach, the drinks are expensive but not ridiculous, they have a DJ cranking out good tunes, everyone is wearing... well, not a lot. Its just an all round kick-ass time. We even witnessed the infamous Bora Bora spiderman doin' his thing on the d-floor! This guy must be about 50 and everyone who has ever been to Bora Bora knows him. Always dressed in a spiderman costume, always dancing and having a good time. I just hope I'm having that good of a time when I'm 50.
After a couple of hours we decided to duck out and grab something to eat. The area around Bora Bora (Playa D'en Bossa) is a bit more touristy than the old town, so good Spanish food is quite rare. We settled on somewhere that looked clean(ish), grabbed a burger and had a few drinks.

Space is one of the main clubs on the island, and I think the largest. It is just down the road from Bora Bora, so we decided to go for a quick squiz. It certainly looked cool from the outside but we weren't about the pay the crazy cover charge just to have a look inside. We headed back to Bora Bora for more drinks and to cut loose (mother goose). After a few hours we had had enough and grabbed a bus back.
Next Post - 'Chav Central'
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